Monday, May 25, 2009

What has been going on in May!

Well, we have been very busy this May and I have not had much time to put anything on my blog. I thought I would just share a few things the girls have been doing.
Emily is talking up a storm and has now started singing little songs such as "Little Bird". Her favorite book is "Nest is Best" and she wants me or Mama to read it to her at least once a day. When we get to the part in the book where Mr. Bird sings "I love my house, I love my nest, In all the world, MY NEST IS BEST". Emily always wants to sing the part by herself "MY NEST IS BEST". It is so cute!!
We also have 5 new Golden Retriever puppies at our house and Emily is loving them!! I will try to post the pictures of the girls with the puppies soon.
Kaitlynn is growing a changing so much. She is now up to 18lbs 4oz (WOW!). She is very, very mobile. When she wants to share a toy with you she will crawl over to you and give it to you. It is so cute. She is also pulling up on everything and sometimes letting go and standing by herself a little. The other day in the sand box she stood up all by herself for a little while and then fell down on her bottom. She is also "talking" a lot! She makes really neat little sounds trying to express herself!

1 comment:

Melissa @ M Miranda Creations said...

Hey Lora. The girls are so cute in those red and white outfits. It is neat to still get to hear how Kaitlyn is doing. Sounds like her and Miriam are pretty close in all their accomplishments still. I have not found a pediatrician yet so Miriam has not had a 9 month appointment. Miss you guys!