Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Step!!

Kaitlynn took her first step on Sunday, June 14th!!! She has taken a few more steps since then and will be running after Emily before we know it! She is now 9 months old and getting so big. She is up to 19lbs 8oz . She is so interested in everything and how it works, always investigating. I wonder what she thinks sometimes seeing and experiencing things for the first time ever in her little life! She has 5 teeth now and really likes to bite anything she can get to her mouth, including her mother! She bit Emily the other day, and boy was that a shocking experience for Emily! Kaitlynn also absolutely loves food! (Of course I did not have to say that after I told everyone how much she weighs, but oh well) Her favorite food right now is blueberries. She will pick out all of the blueberries on her tray at breakfast and not eat any of the other fruits I put on the tray until ALL of the blueberries are gone! She has also started singing, well baby singing, at church when everyone else is singing. It is so cute. I am amazed at everything she is doing and wish she would just stay my baby forever, oh but how fun it is to watch her learn and grow!

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